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Inspiration and Design

I have been creating APIs with complex requirements for several years (Machine Learning, distributed systems, asynchronous jobs, NoSQL databases, etc), leading several teams of developers.

As part of that, I needed to investigate, test and use many alternatives.


Then I spent some time designing the developer "API" I wanted to have as a user (as a developer using FastAPI).

I tested several ideas in the most popular Python editors: PyCharm, VS Code, Jedi based editors.

By the last Python Developer Survey, that covers about 80% of the users.

It means that FastAPI was specifically tested with the editors used by 80% of the Python developers. And as most of the other editors tend to work similarly, all its benefits should work for virtually all editors.

That way I could find the best ways to reduce code duplication as much as possible, to have completion everywhere, type and error checks, etc.

All in a way that provided the best development experience for all the developers.


By this point, it's already clear that FastAPI with its ideas is being useful for many people.

It is being chosen over previous alternatives for suiting many use cases better.

Many developers and teams already depend on FastAPI for their projects (including me and my team).

But still, there are many improvements and features to come.

FastAPI has a great future ahead.

And your help is greatly appreciated.