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Optimizing with Genetic Algorithms

Basics of Genetic Algorithms

In principle, a population of individuals selected from the search space , often in a random manner, serves as candidate solutions to optimize the problem. The individuals in this population are evaluated through ( "fitness" ) adaptation function. A selection mechanism is then used to select individuals to be used as parents to those of the next generation. These individuals will then be crossed and mutated to form the new offspring. The next generation is finally formed by an alternative mechanism between parents and their offspring. This process is repeated until a certain satisfaction condition.

Genetic algorithms maintain a population of candidate solutions, called individuals, for that given problem. These candidate solutions are iteratively evaluated and combined to create a new generation of solutions. Individuals with higher fitness (rated as better at solving the relevant problem) have a greater chance of being selected and passing their qualities to the next generation of candidate solutions This way, as generations go by, candidate solutions get better at solving the problem at hand.

Optimizing Lineups with Genetic Algorithms

Applied to the context of daily fantasy lineups, a genetic algorithm works as follows:

  • Pool: load a pool of chromosomes (players) with position, salary, and points (projected if forward looking, actual points if historical).

  • Pospool: segment the pool into positions. There will be duplicate genes (players) for multiposition eligibility / flex.

  • Populate: create a population of individuals (here lineups) from a pool of genes (here player ids).

    • The initial populations are randomly created using weighted random sampling.

    • Individauls are encoded as an array of integer IDs. For example, a DK NFL individual is np.array([dst_id, qb_id, rb_id, rb_id, wr_id, wr_id, wr_id, te_id, flex_id]).

  • Fitness: Assess the fitness of the population (is typically the sum of projected or actual points).

  • Select: Discard low-performing individuals from the population.

  • Crossover: create new individuals by randomly combining elements of the selected individuals.

  • Mutate: randomly alter individuals by swapping out chromosomes.

  • Validate: filter out invalid individuals (too much salary, duplicate chromosomes in individual, duplicate individuals in population, and so forth).

  • Repeat for n generations (or until specified stop point, such as no improvement for 5 generations)

Using Penalties Instead of Constraints

pangadfs allows the use of penalties rather than constraints. The intuition here is that you can nudge the optimizer toward a certain goal (lineup diversity, stacks, etc.) without creating arbitrary rules that may exclude the truly-optimal solutions.